
Getaway to Punda Maria and Pafuri Gate


Central Soutpansberg is close to Kruger National Park especially Punda Maria and Pafuri.Enough habitat types within a short distance of each other.Birders can stop to do some birding on their way to Kruger Park and in the Central Soutpansberg sites like Hanglip Forest,Roodewal Forest,Muirhead Dams,Entabeni Forest and Thohoyandou Botanical Garden.Birders can be rewarded with birds like African Finfoot,White Backed Night-Heron,Blue Spotted Wood-Dove,African Broadbill,Mottled Spinetail,Bat Hawk,Scaly Throated Honeyguide,Narina Trogon,Pink Throated Twinspot,African Wood Owl.etc
Birders can stop for whole day before leaving to Punda and explore one of the sites in the Soutpansberg or Venda.
We can plan a day outing to Pafuri Picnic site or Punda Maria which can be a full day outing around the park.

Birding Trips and Tours


I specialise on birding trips throughout Soutpansberg and Venda areas in the Limpopo Province.Soutpansberg Mountain is a wonderful place with lots of endemic birds and beautiful scenery lots of fauna and animals.
While staying in Louis Trichardt a specialised birding trip can be organised to Hanglip Forest,Ben Lavin Nature Reserve,Sewarage Dams,Roodewal Nature Reserve,Albasini Picnic Site,Entabeni Forest,Luvuvhu River and Thohoyandou Botanical Garden


Morning birding walk.

A morning birding walk can be arranged from where you will be staying for about 2 and half hours.Birds you will likely to see include special birds Gorgeous Bushshrike,Crested Guineafowl,Olive Bushshrike,Red Faced Cisticola,Cape Grassbird and the resident African Wood Owl.

Half Day Birding Tour

Time is about 5-6 hours in the escarpment of Soutpansberg mountains.I can lead you to Roodewal Nature Reserve which is best done early morning,and then to Muirhead Dams.Roodewal Nature Reserve the only place to see the African Broadbill in the Central Soutpansberg.other birds common are Eastern Nicator,Narina Trogon,Scaly Throated Honeyguide,Green Twinspot and the resident African Crowned Eagle.

Full Day Birding Tour

Time 8-9 hours of birding under toe canopy of Afro-Montane Forest.Entabeni Forets and Hanglip Forest is an ideal sites for full day.Entabeni Forest birds that are common are Bat Hawk,Orange Ground Thrush,Yellow Streaked Greenbul.Other places we can visit for the day include Thohoyandou Botanical Garden and birds easily located is Blue Spotted Wood-Dove.This is the only reliable place to get the Blue Spotted Wood-Dove in South Africa.Other resident birds are Pink Throated Twinspot,Green Twinspot,Gorgeous Bushshrike,Red-Capped Robin-Chat and Eastern Nicator.

Weekend Birding Tour.

We can organise a birding weekend tour to various camp sites around Venda.Gundani Camp site,the only patch of Miombo woodland in South Africa.Two tent that can accomodate 4 people and a camping site is available for extra people.Birds that we are likely to see are White Breasted Cuckooshrike,Pink Throated Twinspot,Southern Hyliota,Narina Trogon,Scaly Throated Honeyguide.While staying at Gundani camp we can also visit Sagole Big tree a 25 minutes drive from the camp.Birds to see there include Mottled Spinetail that roosts in the cave inside the biggest Baobab tree in South Africa.

A day or weekend birding at Punda Maria or Pafuri Picnic Site.I can accompany you for a day visit to either Punda Maria or Pafuri Picnic Sites to look for birds like Pel's Fishing Owl,Black-Throated Wattle-Eye,Arnot's Chat,Southern Hyliota,Grey-Headed Parrot,Senegal Coucal,Tropical Boubou etc


My photo
Louis Trichardt & Thohoyandou, Central Soutpansberg Venda Limpopo RSA, South Africa
Limpopo Specialist Birdguide.Trained and accredited in general guiding and bird identification through the SASOL/Birdlife South Africa.An expert in leading any birding focussed excursions through-out Soutpansberg,Venda and Northern Kruger.Tours arranged to fit in with your needs and plans-anything from 3 hours or half day to a full day even weekend birding tour. Cell:083 662 9960 Fax:086 217 0006



1.Blue Spotted Wood-Dove
2.African Broadbill
3.Pink Throated Twinspot
4.African Finfoot
5.Whte Backed Night Heron
6.Orange Ground Thrush
7.Bat Hawk
8.White Starred Robin
9.Scaly Throated Honeyguide
10.Green Twinspot
11Half Collared Kingfisher
12.Eastern Nicator
13..Crested Guineafowl
14African Crowned Eagle
15.Allen's Gallinule
16.Lesser Jacana
17.African Pygmy Goose
18Yellow Throated Woodland Warbler
19.Red faced Cisticola
20.Yellow Streaked Greenbul


My Contact details

Cell No:083 662 9960
Fax:086 217 0006


Booking is very essential either by calling 083 662 9960 or send an email to OR

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Venda Guides Embark on a Successful Education Programme about the Mottled Spinetrails at Sagole, Limpopo

Venda Guides Embark on a Successful Education Programme about the Mottled Spinetrails at Sagole, Limpopo 
Spinetails are predominantly dark, swift-like birds with characteristic sickle-shaped wings and square tails. The interesting tail feathers with their extended, sharp, bare shafts account for the name. Mottled Spinetails are one of South Africas rarest resident birds with less than five known breeding sites in the country. The entire population in South Africa is restricted to the far north-eastern corner of the Limpopo Province in the Sagole, Masisi and Makuya regions of Venda and within the Levubu River Valley in the Kruger National Park. This species is strongly associated with Baobab trees in which they roost and breed, provided there are large cavities within the trees. There is, however, a single record of Mottled Spinetails nesting in the roof sandstone over-hang near Sagole. The famous Sagole Baobab supports the largest colony of this species in South Africa. During the late nineties, close on 300 birds roosted in this tree but sadly this number has plummeted to less than 25 birds. Mottled Spinetails are threatened by industrial pesticides, habitat change and disturbance at nesting and roosting sites.

Limpopo Bird Guides, Samson Mulaudzi and Christopher Nethonzhe have committed themselves to an educational programme at primary and high schools in the Sagole area. They have already made a huge impact with their first two visits. Samson reports: On the 24th of May 2012, we had our first talk with the kids at Matshena Primary School just 3 km from the Sagole Baobab Tree. We arrived there in the afternoon just before the school was out and met the principal and teachers. We agreed tol have our meeting outside under a Marula tree as the children would not fit inside one class room.

The kids were very happy to meet us and they were singing and dancing. We were joined also by the principal and a teacher during our talk with the kids. Christopher opened the meeting, telling them who we are and why we were there. Some of the kids said they have seen us in some magazines. He also taught them about the Mottled Spinetail, breeding in the Baobab tree and caves. Some of the kids know where the cave is. Our aim was to teach them not to destroy the nests. Christopher also stressed that by conserving the Spinetails, tourists will come to this only area to see this birds that, in return, may even benefit their villages.

Samsons turn came and he continued from where Christopher stopped. Samsons aim was to teach them about some interesting facts about our birds in South Africa: how many bird species we have got, as well as the endemic birds. Samsons teaching was based on the importance of birds in the area where we live. He also made a point on some ecological facts about how birds can help us when they are around us - they could be a warning sign for snakes in a tree and are great pollinators of plants, etc. Samson was impressed with the knowledge that some of the kids have. When kids answered questions correctly we handed them some nice ball point pens, as presents.

On Tuesday, the 12th of June 2012, we visited one more primary school to talk to he kids about the birds around them and our Mottled Spinetail Project, as well as about birds in general. We arrived after school hours and as always we again had some fun with the kids. What is interesting is that most of the kids are aware of the birds around them and also know their names in their mother language, which is good but also challenging for us, as we know most of the birds in English. Christopher made an introduction about our project and I finished off with discussions on some interesting facts about the birds in South Africa, as a whole. Once again, we handed out some ball point pens when they answered correctly.

Birdlife Polokwane, the Ben de Boer Trust and BirdLife South Africa have already helped us to start this education programme. We have generated a lot of interest and would be able to do a lot more with some material on birds (posters, books, etc.), as well as on trees, mammals, snakes, butterflies, etc. It would also be great to have some binoculars to give the kids some experience with them. If anybody would be willing to donate materials, binoculars or money to buy these things, it would be very much appreciated.

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