This past weekend I was out with clients Sharon Kersten and husband
from Wits Bird Club and the British Robert Bobself and Cathy.
On Saturday morning 10th October 2009 I took out Sharon Kersten and
husband to Roodewal Nature Reserve and their main target species were
African Broadbill,Scaly Throated Honeyguide,Narina Trogon and African
Firefinch.By the time we stopped for our breakfast we already had a
good close up sightings of a pair of African Broadbill
Scaly Throated Honeyguide
African Firefinch
African Crowned Eagle
Purple Crested Turaco and Lesser Honeyguide
While sitting in the picnic site having breakfast the cherry on the
cake were a magnificent views of both male and female Narina Trogon.
We went to Muirhead Dams and Entabeni Forest.I tried for both Blue
Spotted Wood Dove and Buff Spotted Flufftail but had no luck but
nevertheless amongst other birds we had a beautiful sightings of a
pair of Bat Hawk,
Grey Cuckooshrike
Jackal Buzzard
Lizard Buzzard
African Goshawk
African Fish Eagle and all the species brought their year list to 610.
On Sunday 12th October 2009 I took out Robert Bobself and Cathy and
their wish list was African Finfoot and and any other special birds
around Soutpansberg.
The weather was not good in the morning as it was cloudy and windy.I
tried for African Finfoot but no luck.We ticked other special birds
and they had a nice sightings of Gorgeous Bushshrike
Dark Capped Yellow Warbler
Golden Weaver
Crested Guineafowls and others
In the afternoon we drive further east of Soutpansberg to one of my
best site and within an hour I already clocked up for my clients
several pairs of Pygmy Goose,
Allen's Gallinule
Golden Weaver
White Backed Duck
Comb Duck
Squacco Heron
Green Backed Heron
African Jacana
Common Moorhen
African Spoonbill
White Faced Duck and many others.
By Monday early morning at about 06:00 sharp we were waiting at one of
the private dam for their first African Finfoot.
Within an hour I said to my clients are you ready now for your African
Finfoot and by that time a female African Finfoot was coming out from
its hiding place.When busy watching it and also taking photographs I
already spotted a male African Finfoot coming towards where we were
sitting and it swam accross the dam and stand on the low dam wall for
15 seconds and over the dam wall.
Other species we have seen include Malachite Kingfisher
Lesser and Greater Striped Swallow
Golden Weaver
African Black Duck
African Crowned Eagle and Fish Eagle.
Happy Birding with Samson.
Sent from my mobile device
Samson Mulaudzi
Cell:083 662 9960
Tel:015 556 3406
Site Birdguide for Central Soutpansberg and Venda area:Hanglip Forest
Entabeni Forest
Roodewal Forest
Muirhead Dams
Some of the Special Birds I can show you:African Broadbill
African Finfoot
Lesser Jacana
African Pygmy Goose
Bat Hawk
Allen's Gallinule
White Backed Duck
Dark Capped Yellow Warbler
Mottled Spinetail
Orange Ground Thrush
Grey Headed Parrot
Half Collared Kingfisher
African Hobby
European Hobby
African Pygmy Kingfisher
Pink Throated Twinspot
White-Backed Night Heron
Eastern Nicator
White Starred Robin
Gorgeous Bushshrike
Narina Trogon
Scaly-Throated Honeyguide
Forest Buzzard
Crested Guineafowl
African Crowned Eagle
Verreaux's Eagle
Discover the birds of Soutpansberg.
Im also available to guide birders through VENDA 4X4 TRAIL.
Registered SABAP & BIRP Observer No:11136
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